The launch of Ndabuko Ntuli’s solo exhibition at The Melrose Gallery, Johannesburg on 17 May 2018 was nothing short of mind blowing. The entire exhibition only features works created using trash (no not men) by crafting conceptually driven pieces using materials such as plastic, tin, bone, wood and other discarded materials in truly spectacular style.

The impressive quality of the artworks comes as no surprise given the versatile visual artist’s steady ascent over the years. Ntuli who took up visual art at a young age following in his sculptor grandfather’s footsteps, has capabilities which transcend visual art as a discipline, he also has no fewer than 6 maskandi albums to his name on top of being a practising sangoma


The extensively exhibited multidisciplinary artist credits his latest offering to a sense of frustration and helplessness from seeing trash in the streets. Ntuli felt the need to take that which has been cast away as waste and creatively exploited it to produce an impressive body of work which is as inspired as it is abstract.



“Umlayezo kaMkhulu Wami” (A message from my grandfather) will be showing at The Melrose   Gallery until 3 June 2018.




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